Zip code query Malaysia remote areas – TNT international express TIME:2016-04-06
* please use the Ctrl + F, then enter zip code to find your area.Input, please refer to the table below the zip format, a “-” or less space would affect search content. 02700 02701 02702 02703 02704 02705 02706 02707 02708 02709 02710 02711 02712 02713 02714 02715 02716 02717 02718 02719 02720 02721 02722 02723 02724 02725 02726 0272...
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Lithuania Remote areas zip code query – TNT international express TIME:2016-04-06
* please use the Ctrl + F, then enter zip code to find your area.Input, please refer to the table below the zip format, a “-” or less space would affect search content. 17001 17002 17005 17008 17011 17014 17017 17018 17020 17023 17026 17029 17032 17035 17038 17039 17040 17041 17044 17047 17100 17101 17102 17103 17104 17105 17106 1710...
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Zip code query Latvia latvian remote areas – TNT international express TIME:2016-03-25
* please use the Ctrl + F, then enter zip code to find your area.Input, please refer to the table below the zip format, a “-” or less space would affect search content. 2012 2143 2144 2145 2147 2151 2152 2153 2160 2161 2162 3010 3011 3012 3013 3014 3016 3017 3020 3021 3022 3023 3025 3026 3027 3028 3029 3030 3031 3032 3034 3035 3036 3...
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South Korea’s zip code query Chesapeake remote areas – TNT international express TIME:2016-03-23
* please use the Ctrl + F, then enter zip code to find your area.Input, please refer to the table below the zip format, a “-” or less space would affect search content. 200010 200020 200030 200041 200042 200043 200050 200060 200070 200080 200090 200091 200092 200093 200100 200111 200112 200113 200114 200120 200130 200140 200150 20016...
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Japan Remote areas zip code query – TNT international express TIME:2016-03-21
* please use the Ctrl + F, then enter zip code to find your area.Input, please refer to the table below the zip format, a “-” or less space would affect search content.a 0010000-0028075 0970100-0970401 8060021-8060030 8611101-8611198 0028089-0028089 0971111-0971202 8060030-8060041 8611201-8611686 0028091-0028503 0978510-0978686 80600...
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(中文) 意大利Italy偏远地区邮编查询-TNT国际快递 TIME:2016-03-18
Sorry, this entry is only available in 中文.
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Zip code query – TNT international express Israel Israel remote areas TIME:2016-03-18
* please use the Ctrl + F, then enter zip code to find your area.Input, please refer to the table below the zip format, a “-” or less space would affect search content. 10990 12927 13835 14930 15115 15244 15263 17902 19122 20177 20186 20200 22870 25123 30010 30075 30078 30091 30100 30862 30920 37858 37910 40400 42835 42842 44810 4481...
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Indonesia Remote areas zip code query – TNT international express TIME:2016-03-16
* please use the Ctrl + F, then enter zip code to find your area.Input, please refer to the table below the zip format, a “-” or less space would affect search content. 14510 14520 14530 14540 15921 15922 15923 15924 15925 15926 15927 15928 20511 20512 20513 20514 20515 20516 20517 20518 20551 20552 20553 20582 20583 20611 20612 2061...
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匈牙利Hungary偏远地区邮编查询-TNT国际快递 TIME:2016-03-16
*请使用Ctrl+F,然后输入您所在的区域邮编进行查找。输入时,请参照下表的邮编格式,少一个“-”或者空格都将影响查找的内容。 2610 2611 2614 2615 2616 2617 2618 2619 2624 2625 2627 2629 2631 2632 2634 2635 2637 2638 2639 2640 2641 2643 2644 2648 2649 2652 2653 2655 2656 2657 2658 2668 3102 3109 3121 3123 3124 3125 3126 3128 3129 3131 3132 3133 3134 3135 3...
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危地马拉Guatemala偏远地区邮编查询-TNT国际快递 TIME:2016-03-15
*请使用Ctrl+F,然后输入您所在的区域邮编进行查找。输入时,请参照下表的邮编格式,少一个“-”或者空格都将影响查找的内容。 02000
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希腊Greece偏远地区邮编查询-TNT国际快递 TIME:2016-03-15
*请使用Ctrl+F,然后输入您所在的区域邮编进行查找。输入时,请参照下表的邮编格式,少一个“-”或者空格都将影响查找的内容。 18010 18020 18030 18040 18050 18900 18901 18902 18903 19005 19007 19012 19015 20001 20002 20400 20500 21054 21055 21056 21057 21058 21059 21060 21100 21200 21300 22002 22003 22004 22005 22007 22008 22009 22010 22011 22012 22013 220...
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德国Germany偏远地区邮编查询-TNT国际快递 TIME:2016-03-10
*请使用Ctrl+F,然后输入您所在的区域邮编进行查找。输入时,请参照下表的邮编格式,少一个“-”或者空格都将影响查找的内容。 18528 18528 18546 18546 18551 18551 18556 18556 18565 18565 18569 18569 18573 18574 18581 18581 18586 18586 23999 23999 25007 25007 25843 25843 25845 25846 25847 25848 25849 25859 25859 25863 25863 25869 25869 25929 25930 25931 259...